MediaPost Publications Thank You For Not Tweeting - Or, Super Bowl XLVIII | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

...However, for the most part, this was not a marketing opportunity in which cooler heads prevailed, whether it was the unfortunate racist tweets that followed Wieden + Kennedy’s lovely, multilingual rendition of “America the Beautiful” on behalf of Coke or JC Penney, which… oh God, where do I start?

Well, here goes. So, about halfway through the game,  @adage wondered if @JCPenney had been hacked, or whether the person man- or woman-ing the account was drunk. How else to interpret tweets such as the following:

"Toughdown Seadawks!! Is sSeattle going toa runaway wit h this???"

Or the epic:

“Who kkmew theis was ghiong tob e a baweball ghamle. #lowsscorinh 5_0”...