6 Ways to Increase the Marketing Effectiveness of your Facebook Page - Infographic | Jeffbullas's Blog | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it
Facebook is seen by the majority as the ultimate social media marketing platform to engage with your customers and prospects. Nearly 1 billion potential customers are using it, so why participate on any other social network.


Everyone is on Facebook! It seems that marketing with Facebook will provide you with the means to reach and engage with all of them.

My quiet observation of businesses and brands displays to me that promotion activities seem to center around a singular and focused social media marketing objective of increasing Facebook “likes”. Often all other social media and marketing strategies are ignored because of this obsession. The longer term tactics of content creation, optimising for search engines and building email lists are forgotten in the “liking” acquisition frenzy....


[I found the tips in this infographic and post really valuable and practical. Check it out ~ Jeff]