7 Best Marketing Blogs You Can't Live Without - INTEGRIS Group | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

There are a boat-load of marketing blogs out there today and filtering through the garbage to find worthy information can be a daunting task.  Marketing blogs can provide tons of useful information to help with all aspects of your marketing: content, social media, SEO, email, and on and on and on.

There’s no doubt that all of these things are important marketing hot points, but how do you know when you’re reading tips and strategies that are actually beneficial?  The answer is easy, you follow the blogs on this list! So, take a few minutes to read through the list, follow the links, and get yourself on the path to marketing domination!

This list is no specific ranking or order. These blogs have multiple aspects proving their validity: number of readers, author qualifications, content relativity, and some of them I just really like! Enjoy!...