15-Seconds Blog: Only the Best Should Attempt "Full Ginsburgs" | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

In Washington-speak, a "full Ginsburg" is when one person appears on all five major Sunday news programs in a single day.  The feat was first performed in 1998 by William Ginsburg , the attorney for Monica Lewinsky.  Since then, the trick has been performed about 18 times -- often by Presidential candidates.

If you are not running for office --and you are doing a Ginsburg, chances are you are running for your life. Even if one or two of the interviews is pre-taped, it is hard on a person to keep their energy up and their talking points down.

White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer logged a full Ginsburg this morning.  We'll leave to others to rate the substance of his answers -- but the way they were delivered was not impressive....