Everyone Finally Realizing Every Company Is A Media Company | Adam Singer | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

There are severalstories floating around the web about the Tesla / NYT back and forth saying “everyone is a media company now” (emphasis mine). But really it’s been this way since the ability to publish content digitally existed. The funny part of all this buzz is that many of the same media outlets and pundits I’ve seen sharing this story are the same people who declared self-publishing dead in the past.


And yet. This example proves once again that a self-hosted platform on a company or independently-owned domain is the most powerful response mechanism. It’s platform agnostic, meaning that media of all types (social, professional and otherwise) can link and react to it. Not true in walled gardens which lack the same flexibility and benefits. In fact, more people spending more times in macro social sites increases the value of this type of independent publishing....