Why Millennials Love Video and Why You Should Too #smlondon | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

If your brand is targeting 20 to 30 year olds, using video as a communication tool is key. You might find that your business, like many others, are failing to fully engage the millennial demographic.

Did you know that millennials (or Generation Y, as they’re also called)  will spend more than $200 billion annually starting from 2017? Did you know that millennials are primarily visual buyers? Or that there are approximately 80 million millennials in the US? Needless to say, there’s a lot of money and loyalty to earn if you get your communication strategy right.

Luckily, Animoto created an infographic with the key statistics you need to know in order to understand why, and how, the Gen Y are interacting with online videos. Below are the key take-aways....