The Big Brand Theory: The Obama Re-election Campaign | Social Media Today | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Curious about what the head of the technology office for President Obama’s re-election might be able to tell you about how to put together an effective social media campaign?


Bryan Whitaker has a proven record for innovation in the fast-moving field of political technology.... Now he is taking on a role of Chief Operating Officer at NGP VAN, the nation’s leading technology provider to Obama for America and thousands of Democratic campaigns and progressive organizations.  NGP VAN offers clients an integrated platform of the best fundraising, organizing, and digital products.


I talked to Whitaker about his view of the past and the future of social technologies, how they impact the success of political campaign, and lessons learned. Whitaker is a man on a mission. “My role is to empower our clients to become more sophisticated, data-driven, efficient and cost-effective in the work that they are doing as it relates to organizing voters or workers into a union, as well as engaging with the members within their own organizations,” says Whitaker.


Here are some tips that he offers.