How Harley-Davidson Used Artificial Intelligence to Increase New York Sales Leads by 2,930% | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

It was winter in New York City and Asaf Jacobi’s Harley-Davidson dealership was selling one or two motorcycles a week. It wasn’t enough.

Jacobi went for a long walk in Riverside Park and happened to bump into Or Shani, CEO of an AI firm, Adgorithms. After discussing Jacobi’s sales woes, Shani, suggested he try out Albert, Adgorithm’s AI-driven marketing platform. It works across digital channels, like Facebook and Google, to measure, and then autonomously optimize, the outcomes of marketing campaigns.

Jacobi decided he’d give Albert a one-weekend audition.That weekend Jacobi sold 15 motorcycles. It was almost twice his all-time summer weekend sales record of eight....