Gallup is very upset at Nate Silver | Salon | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
The polling firm complains operations like FiveThirtyEight could spoil polling for everyone...


Did Gallup just blame Nate Silver for ruining the art and science of polling?


You don’t have to read too far between the lines of a statement from Gallup’s editor in chief, Frank Newport, published on Friday, to get that impression.


Newport first attempts the formidable task of defending Gallup’s polling accuracy during the 2012 campaign. Perhaps he was anticipating Silver’s Saturday column, which labeled Gallup the most inaccurate pollster of all the firms that measured voter sentiment this year. But Silver was hardly alone in wondering why Gallup regularly reported numbers much more favorable to Romney than anyone else in 2012. We deserve an explanation a little less lame than Newport’s: what’s the big fuss? Gallup wasn’t really off by that much....


[Suck it up Gallup and do a better job. ~ Jeff]