Can you reboot corporate governance with technology? | SmartBlogs | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
It’s time to transform corporate governance. Innovation and technology can simplify and improve board development and management.


Virtually every aspect of corporate America has been affected by the adoption of new technology. Social networks and collaboration technologies are revolutionizing and changing the way companies are run, products are made, information is shared and the way employees are recruited.

There is one aspect of nonprofit, private and public companies, however, that has made little or no progress when it comes to innovation — the way corporate boards are recruited and managed.

Corporate America is fully aware that this process is flawed. Most recently, headlines from scandals that have occurred at Best Buy, Chesapeake Energy, Groupon, Wal-Mart and Yahoo have put the spotlight on corporate governance. Besides a general disdain for illegal and deplorable actions, corporate boards have suddenly felt the pressure to fortify their teams with the same virtues they always strived for, with an increased emphasis on personal and professional integrity....


[Maybe a helpful tool, but let's not overstate things ~ Jeff]