Haven’t We All Done Steroids, In A Way? | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it
By Lance Armstrong...


There are many people who have tried to judge my actions, to label me as disgraceful or unethical. Time and again, I’ve had to endure the harassment of the media and the average sports fan, who act as though I’ve done something so outside the bounds of human decency as to defy logic or explanation. Yet I think, if we are all honest we each other, we could agree this is far from the case. For, really, haven’t we all, each and every one of us, ritually abused steroids, in a sense?


I ask again: Is there a single person among us who has not, in one way or another, become obscenely rich and successful through the repeated use of performance-enhancing drugs?,,,


[Very funny Lance Armstrong satire and takeout by The Onion - JD]