Wild Apricot Blog : “Selfie” Generation Wants to See Your Stories | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

...According to Ben Baker (npEngage), “1.1 posts including the hashtag “#selfie” were uploaded to Instagram every single second, that means 4,000 were uploaded per hour, 95,700 were uploaded per day, and a whopping 34,924,648 were uploaded across the entirety of 2013.”

1.1 per second! And of course, that's just the photos that were tagged and uploaded to Instagram, never mind all those shared on Facebook, Snapchat, etc. 

Understanding how this impacts your communications 

So why should we care that an entire generation (and many of us older folks too) are taking "selfies"? As Baker suggests in his post, while the “selfie” trend might fade away, it offers some insight into an entire generation of Millennials – their social media habits and more generally, the ways they prefer to connect and be communicated with....