WHICH 50 : Homes will have hundreds of devices connected to the web within ten years says Gartner | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

By 2022 the average home will have hundreds of devices connected to the Internet as the Internet of Things becomes a mainstream consumer experience, according to research outfit Gartner.

Describing Smart Homes as an area of dramatic evolution, the research company says growth will be fuelled by the falling cost of adding sensing and communications to consumer products.

According to Gartner analyst and VP Nick Jones, “We expect that a very wide range of domestic equipment will become ‘smart’ in the sense of gaining some level of sensing and intelligence combined with the ability to communicate, usually wirelessly. More sophisticated devices will include both sensing and remote control functions. Price will seldom be an inhibitor because the cost of the Internet of Things (IoT) enabling a consumer ‘thing’ will approach $1 in the long term...