Today's Most Innovative Company: Datalogix Shows How Promoted Tweets Make Us Buy Stuff | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Do the Promoted Tweets and Sponsored Facebook Posts we see online really influence what we purchase when we sign off and head to the store? Datalogix, the data giant that tracks more than $1 trillion in consumer spending, is finding the answers for Twitter and Facebook.

Through a new advertising metric Twitter is calling "offline sales impact," it has been working with Datalogix to find out how brands' tweets--essentially miniature online ads--impact their offline sales.In preliminary studies with 35 brands, Datalogix found Twitter users who were exposed to a brand's tweets purchased more than users who didn't interact with a brand's tweets at all, regardless of whether they were Promoted Tweets or organic. Datalogix also found users who both followed a brand's Twitter account and were exposed to that brand's Promoted Tweets made nearly 30% more offline purchases.