216 Social Media and Internet Statistics (September 2012) | The Social Skinny | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

...Moving along find below the latest statistics update for you, after the no less than 10 trillion billion requests I’ve gotten in the past couple of months. Also after the 34 million complaints about my lazy referencing style in past articles I’ve tried to be a bit better with this in this article. Basically if you want the source for a certain statistic it should be (should being operative word) the next hyperlink you see after the stat...

Oh and one more thing. I don’t make up any of these statistics myself. I get them from all those other, much more reputable sources. So if some of them don’t make sense or they conflict with each other or they are utterly ridiculously wrong it’s not my fault. It’s their fault. So that’s my disclaimer.