What’s Happening to the Web??? | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

If you are over the age of 35, you probably remember when the most innovative thing you could do on the web was interact in an AOL chat room. And you thought you were so cool doing it, too.

...Do you want to create an engaging and interactive digital experiences for users on your website? Say it with me. THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT!

In a recent article by Pratik Dholakiya on Search Engine Watch, he says,“As humans, we remember and care about experiences far more than things, or content. We will always remember and treasure a vacation more than, say, a movie (unless it’s “Star Wars”). The marketers of the future need to create interactions. Users experience them, and so they become memorable.”

We are just at the beginning of this digital marketing revolution.  Every time you think it can’t get better, the web and what we can do with it as marketers changes.  Something big is about to happen.