Only 1 out of 4 B2B Companies Track and Follow up on Social Media | Corporate Eye | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Learn how few B2B and B2C companies around the world track and follow up on consumer social media content and conversations.


The good news is that B2C companies are catching on to the importance of tracking and following up on consumer conversations about their brands across the social web. The bad news is that not enough of them are doing it yet. The worse news is that the numbers are even lower for B2B companies.

In a recent survey of 1,000 B2B and B2C companies, eMarketer reports that Satmetrix learned 17% of B2C companies don’t track what consumers say about their brands on the social web, nor do they follow up on that feedback. Of B2B companies, 47% do not track or follow up on social media comments about their brands...