How The Facebook Like Mentality Has Changed | AllFacebook | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Just as Facebook has changed tremendously since 2010, so have users' habits with regard to the like button.


Just as Facebook has changed tremendously since 2010, so have users’ habits with regard to the like button. PostRocket, which helps brands manage their Facebook campaigns, analyzed how people liked pages two years ago in comparison with current nature. The company quoted statistics from Lab42, showing that 87 percent of people like brands now, compared with 38 percent in 2010.


PostRocket also gleaned statistics from a 2010 ExactTarget survey that asked users why they like pages. It showed that 40 percent of people liked a page to receive discounts and promotions, 39 percent wanted to show support for the brand, and 36 percent wanted to get a “freebie,” while only 13 percent wanted to interact.


Here’s a snippet of an infographic from Lab42, showing the motivations in 2012 for liking a page. Naturally, people still want something in exchange for the like...


[A sea change and opportunity for marketers, content pros and PR ~Jeff]