Social Media Strategy in 8 Steps | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Over the past four years at Convince & Convert, we’ve continued to refine our social media strategy process. Here’s one of the latest iterations, presented as a keynote speech to ESTO (Educational Seminar for Travel Organizations) last Fall. I’ve pasted the slides below, but also included a short summary of the 8 steps in our social media strategy process, as the slides are more visual than descriptive.

Social Media Strategy in 8 Steps (Summary)

One of the major theses we employ in our social media strategy process is this:

Companies should focus more on how to BE social, and less on how to DO social media. (tweet this)16

With all the new tools and platforms constantly emerging, it’s very easy to fall into the trap of thinking about social media through a tactical prism instead of a strategic one. The best social media strategic plans are tools-agnostic, and set forth objectives and metrics that supersede any particular social venue.…