10 Proven Ways to Get People to Come to Your Online Event | GroupHigh | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

Online events, whether they are in the form of a conference, a webinar, or a Twitter chat are great ways to position any brand as a thought leader in a niche and acquire new followers and/or leads. Of course, you have to get people to actually sign up for said epic online event, right?

Well lucky for you I have hosted a handful of these bad boys and am one of those people who shares everything—even an inside look at her marketing strategies.Another lucky star for you today is that Stephen Wynkoop, owner ofVconferenceOnline—a platform that hosts online events—was more than happy to weigh in and share his observations of what makes a successful event.Now, take a moment to check out these easy to implement steps to make your online event a success!...