Facebook loses 1.4million UK visitors in a MONTH as users switch social media | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

Facebook - the world's largest social network - is losing millions of users each month. Experts say Facebook's popularity may have peaked, with jaded users joining newer social media sites. In the last six months, Facebook has lost nearly 9million monthly visitors in the US and 2million in the UK.


Experts say as new social media sites grow, Facebook's users are deserting the network. They say that figures aren't helped by the lack of new Facebook members. It is believed that most people who want to sign up to the site have already done so. New media specialist Ian Maude said the fall in numbers was due to 'a boredom factor'. It is believed there is stagnation as most people who want to join the site have already done so 'The problem is that, in the US and UK, most people who want to sign up for Facebook have already done it. 'People like to try something new. Is Facebook going to go the way of Myspace? 'The risk is relatively small, but that is not to say it isn't there.'...