Twitter for Business Gets a Relaunch: What To Expect | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Twitter for business has finally relaunched this past Monday, and aims to be the central resource to help businesses gain traction, fans and income with their Twitter marketing strategies. Twitter is a very large, very prominent social site, but they are also acutely aware that many of the business people on their platform, have no idea how to use it properly. As a result of this inability to adequately market on Twitter – bounce rates are higher, and owners are choosing to market more on the ‘easier’ platforms like Facebook and Pinterest. Twitter for business is their solution to this concern. It will function like the Facebook blog, and, which is the total resource site for all things to do with the social network. Business owners will be pleased to find simple-to-use tutorials that provide powerful tips and advice, which will help them gain followings and sell on Twitter....