How to Get a Personalized Assessment of Your Website [Free Tool] | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Back in 2007, we launched a tool called Website Grader. Since then, it's evaluated 4 million websites, helping many businesses identify website optimization opportunities.

But a lot has changed since 2007. Websites have changed significantly in terms of design, functionality, and purpose. So, to continue to be helpful, Website Grader needed to change, too.
Well, today, we're excited to unveil a redesigned Website Grader capable of assessing websites using modern ranking criteria. Read on to learn what the new tool does and how you can get a personalized assessment of your own.  

What is Website Grader?

Website Grader is a free online tool that allows anyone to receive a free, personalized report that grades their site against key metrics, including performance, mobile readiness, SEO and security....