With Be Theme and 130+ Pre-made Layouts, the Sky’s the Limit - Web Design Ledger | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

Once you have an idea how you want your website to look, the first step is to take that idea and create a conceptual design. Once the conceptual design is firmed up, you can begin the page building process. The problem is, creating a website from scratch isn’t usually that easy.

Creating a workable conceptual design can easily become a trial and error process, and false starts are time wasters and best avoided.

If you have the right website building tools at your disposal, and a conceptual design in the form of a pre-made layout with one-click installation in front of you, everything becomes easier. A pre-made layout is the ultimate productivity hack, and when you have 130+ to choose from you can get your project off to a fast start.Check out the Be Theme pre-made layouts below, and see how impressively diverse they are....