1,072 words that will change how you write headlines forever | The Wall Blog | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

The key to an emotionally engaging headline? Context Words: a group of 1,072 words in the English language that can increase a person’s interest and attention in a specific message.

Context Words were uncovered through EEG testing and something called the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, a way to measure the correlation between two variables. In this case, we were looking to understand the relationship between word choice and the brain’s emotional response.

We’ve split the Context Words into four categories: insight words, time words, space words and motion words.Insight words provide more detail, i.e. closure, admit, inform, think. Time words refer to a point in time, i.e. after, fast, long, prior. Motion and space words help us understand where something is happening, i.e. appear, replace, arrive, enter....