The Do’s and Don’ts on LinkedIn Invites | MyVenturePad | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
// This post was going to be a rant on the phrase “I’d like to add you to my professional network.” (but I decided that at least most people are trying…and to be nice).


So, instead, I’ll take a more constructive approach and share my thoughts on how to properly invite someone to join you on LinkedIn.


If you were at a networking event, would you walk over to someone, hand them a business card, ask them to connect and walk away? I certainly hope not. I would expect you to introduce yourself and give them some sort of reason to keep talking. LinkedIn is no different.


The default ’I”d like to add you to my professional network.’ is you being lazy (yep I said it) and if you don’t ‘know’ the person, it’s even worse. If the person that you are trying to link to thinks that they don’t know you…watch out – you’ll get penalty flags thrown at you!...


[Don't be so darn lazy on Linkedln ~ Jeff]