The Key To Social Selling? Disruptive Hustle | Social Media Today | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

...Instead, a marketer's best friend is a theory by the name "disruptive hustle." By painstakingly forging one-to-one relationships, a brand can effectively separate themselves from competition.

Social users love lodging complaints. According to a recent study, 47% of social media users now actively seek customer service through social media.


Furthermore, 83% of Twitter users and 71% of Facebook users expect a response within a day, and 50% expect that response within two hours.


Those numbers mean one thing - customers take social media very, very seriously. Purchasing decisions are heavily influenced and discussed on social networks. Buying and discussing products has always been a personal activity. If customers aren't happy with your performance, they'll be more than happy to tell you.


Your customers take to social media to address problems. Therefore, so should you....