It’s High Time to Socialize the C-Suite | Business 2 Community | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

...In 2010, Weber Shandwick released a study on the state of leadership reputation (Socializing Your CEO: from (Un) Social to Social), stating that 64% of the surveyed CEOs did not engage through company websites or social media outlets.


“There are several reasons why CEOs are not more Social,” wrote Leslie Gaines-Ross, Weber Shandwick’s Chief Reputation Strategist. ”Time is better spent with customers and employees…the return on investment has not yet been proven, legal counsel tends to caution against it and anything that smacks of ‘celebrity CEO’ is a no-win.”...


As for ROI, the evidence is growing. Earlier this year, the Chief Strategy Officer of Dachis Group, Peter Kim, published 101 Examples of Social Business ROI. Among them...