Amplify Business Blogging with Google-Friendly Content | Social Media Today | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Even though social media is often in the spotlight, business blogging is still vital to your marketing success. Original, high-impact content still needs to be the lure for your audience....


There are a number of ways to ramp up the reach and exposure of your content, including syndicating it on websites like Social Media Today and Business 2 Community and sharing it on the big four social networks—Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn. Posting your content to popular social bookmarking sites, such as Digg, StumbleUpon and, can be another source of increased exposure.


While taking these steps to promote your content will no doubt be beneficial, it is critical to address the issue at the core—ensuring that you produce the kind of content that compels a great deal of social content curation. If you can create highly shareable content, others will promote it for you. Publish relevant, information-rich and share-worthy content, and your search rankings will inevitably improve, as Google is increasingly informing their algorithms with social signals, such as +1s.


13 Google-Friendly Content Guidelines

To achieve maximum impact with your company blog, create content according to Google best practices....