13 Timeless Lessons from the Father of Advertising | Copyblogger | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

In 1962, Time magazine called David Ogilvy “the most sought-after wizard in today’s advertising industry.” In his years as an advertising executive and copywriter, Ogilvy created some of the world’s most successful and iconic marketing campaigns, including the legendary Man in the Hathaway Shirt, plus notable efforts for Schwepps, Rolls Royce, and the island of Puerto Rico among many others.


As content marketers, we can learn a lot from the legendary Mr. Ogilvy He was, after all, one of the pioneers of information-rich, “soft sell” ads that that didn’t insult the intelligence of the prospect. For example, consider The Guinness Guide to Oysters, an early form of what the kids are now calling native advertising — from 1951....