50 Blog Headers Guaranteed To Draw Readers Into Any Post – Design School | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

It has been said that designing a blog is easy, a-no brainer. Pick a template from the myriads out there all readily available on any platform and you’ll be good to go, right?

But popping images and text into an existing template will likely translate into another generic looking blog. And in today’s growing blogging industry, being just another sheep in the herd won’t do much for your traffic. Differentiating your blog from others in the same niche by creating a blog designed with a bit more character will turn you into the sheep they’ll remember.

Creating a stunning blog does not necessarily mean building your own layout from scratch. You can take advantage of a template, let it do most of the heavy lifting, and pair it with a thoughtfully designed header to start engaging your target audience. Use them to set the mood and visually communicate what your blog is all about. They don’t have to be terribly complex, just tailored to fit your blog beautifully. Below, we showcase 50 awesome blogs with headers that make great first impressions and feature great content....