The Pros and Cons of Using Sensational Blog Titles | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Click-baiting titles on articles seem to be happening more. Using sensational blog titles isn't necessarily a bad thing - but would you do it for your blog?

We’ve seen it all before – an incredible, heart-stopping article headline that simply begs to be clicked. Unfortunately, amazing and sensational blog titles more often than not leave much to be desired, in terms of both content quality and educational/entertainment value. 

The Pros and Cons of Using Sensational Blog Titles

Plenty of questions pop up when the issue of how to title a blog post comes up. Should it have the most popular buzzwords? Should I make it outrageous? Should I use the word “sex” or “scandal” in my title – even if it has nothing to do with those keywords? Should I ride on trending topics? The list, quite simply, is endless....