How to Measure the PR Value of a Blog or Blogger | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

How to Measure the PR Value of a Blog or a blogger. 7 steps and 7 metrics to examine.

We were asked an interesting question recently about placements on blogs and their impact:

“How do you measure the PR value of a blog?”

Most of the time, PR firms and practitioners measure an outlet’s capabilities on behalf of a client in terms of audience, in terms of the number of eyeballs that you’re in front of. That’s not irrelevant: a blog that has 0 readers will deliver 0 new audience members to you, and thus having some audience members is a good place to start. Let’s look more carefully at how you might measure a blog’s potential impact on your PR program through the lens of how SHIFT measures PR.Recall that we measure PR in 7 broad categories or buckets......