Why Your Blog Needs to be Optimized for Mobile Devices | Blogging Tips | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

...More and more people are searching the web on their mobile phones. It’s even believed that mobile Internet will surpass desktop Internet use by 2014. That’s according to Microsoft data.

What does this mean for your blog?

Since most people are with their mobile phones, there’s a better chance of getting your blog read. You have to utilize all possible avenues for obtaining traffic. And since it’s found that Americans spend, on the average, 2.7 hours on their mobile phones checking social networks, they’re more likely to stumble upon blogs being passed around different sites.


The increase in number of people using the Internet through mobile devices (smartphones and tablet PCs) signals a new era for marketers, website owners, and bloggers. This just opened up a new source of traffic for you....