How Do I Get People to Care About What I’m Doing? – Tell Bigger Stories | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

One of the tenets of the Human Business Way is that we must learn to tell bigger stories. What do I mean by that? What am I trying to solve by suggesting that to you as part of my thoughts on business design?


Think about you and your media consumption habits. I sent this out Monday in the early AM (in the US, that is). When did you get to it? How many posts did you read before and after this post? How often do you read something and just move on to the next piece without really taking a breath or two to consider what you learned and what you might apply from what you’re reading? How many times do you hit “bookmark for later” or similar and then take months and months to get to something?


Your reader is in the same boat as you. They’re rushing around the web looking for scraps of useful or entertaining (or if you’re lucky, both) content, and you’re just one stop on the menu. What are you going to do to be seen and heard in the fray?...


[Chris Brogan on big storytelling - JD]