The Only 6 Ways to Build a Sustainable Content Marketing Organization | Business 2 Community | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Year after year, survey after survey, the greatest challenge facing marketers interested in content marketing is producing sufficient quality content. Last year, the Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs ran a joint survey showing that the producing content was the greatest challenge facing marketers (64% of respondents).


Similarly, last year, at Curata, we ran a B2B Marketing Trends Survey and found that the single greatest challenge was creating sufficient original content at 69%. Even anecdotally, if you have attempted content marketing, you have likely faced this challenge yourself. Most organizations are quick to start a new blog, and create an introductory post, followed by a few other introductory thought leadership posts, before letting it languish. Though we all know content marketing works when it’s done right, few of us, are able to pull it off.


The Only 6 Ways to Build a Sustainable Content Marketing Organization


But some organizations are able to reliably produce sufficient content on a regular basis and feed the content beast. There’s only four possible ways to do this. Here’s an overview along with the tools to use and the pitfalls to avoid....