5 Inbound Marketing Methods that can Drive Traffic and Conversions | Kaiserthesage | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it
Inbound marketing – or combining different online marketing processes such as SEO, content marketing, social media and conversions – has been one of the most effective ways to hit a site’s various business goals in one go, like driving more specifically targeted traffic, improving revenue and/or building a stronger brand mind share. Aside from involving practices that is measurable, utilizing inbound marketing as an approach to reach a business’ target audience (without disrupting their online activities) has proven itself to be very effective in terms of scaling and growing businesses in a shorter span of time. Some of the most known advantages of implementing these practices as a whole are: -Processes involved are cost-efficient and can be implemented in-house. -It works on almost any size of site/business and on almost any industry. -Can help cumulatively achieve business goals (like constantly generating traffic, leads, conversions), through all the past and current efforts done to improve the brand/site. There are so many tactics that you can choose inside the inbound marketing realm that can really help your business grow. Although, in this post, I’ve chosen to highlight a few strategies which I believe can really grow both traffic and conversions when implemented continuously....