This Brand's Amazing New Logo Responds to Voice and Looks Different to Each Person | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Brands talk endlessly about attention to individual customers. But Brazilian telecom company Oi has extended that idea to its very logo—a shapeshifting mark that responds to sound and looks different to every customers who speaks to it.

"We developed an interactive approach to the identity, experimenting with sound and touch activation, so that there could be as many subtle variations of the Oi logo as there are people who interact with it," says Wolff Olins, the design shop behind it.

Wolff Olins worked with digital art and design studio Onformative on the concept. Onformative built bespoke software that allows anyone to animate the Oi logo with any sound at all—including voice, but other things like music too—and then to save their own unique version based on that sound input....