Hard to believe. But 95% of all marketers are now curating third-party content, Curata reports.


Content curation, the practice of finding and sharing online content, is now being used by almost all marketers, according to a survey by Curata (formerly HiveFire).


Of 400 firms surveyed, 95% had curated content in the last six months. And 100% of the non-curators had, in fact, shared articles or blog posts with prospects in the same period, Curata found.


Of the active curators, 45% share content daily, 33% weekly and 21% monthly. Agencies are more active than non-agencies.


Why go to the trouble of pushing third-party content?


The main reason is thought leadership—that answer was given by 85%, compared with 79% last year. Next are branding (80%) and SEO (65%)....