11 Smart Marketing Examples that Nail Visual Content | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

It’s no secret that visual content is powerful. Numerous studies show that our ability to recall information increases significantly when it’s presented as an image rather than plain text.

That’s why infographics, despite the fact that they are everywhere, are still effective when done well.

Infographics are still effective when done well says @sujanpatel. #contentmarketing CLICK TO TWEET
What that means, as summarized by Jeff Bullas, is that an infographic (and visual content as a whole) should:

  • Blend seamlessly into the user experience
  • Fit the platform used to share it
  • Offer genuine value — never an aggressive attempt to sell
  • Be bite-sized — quick and easy to consume
  • Relate to the things your audience cares about
  • Be consistent in style and tone