How Communication's 'Creative Destruction' Will Drive Business Growth - Forbes | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

The 2012 Allison+Partners/PR Week C-Factors study, which examined the impact of creativity, collaboration and culture on business and communications, hailed the arrival of a new age of engagement, with 85% of respondents affirming this notion. As a result, 88% of respondents said that creative destruction (tearing down the old to begin anew) will be critical to their organizations in the future, with another 96% stating that they will place an increased emphasis on creativity to drive business forward.


All of these findings clearly signify the arrival of a period of groundbreaking change not seen or felt since the Industrial Revolution. What we found most intriguing, however, is that while an overwhelming majority sees the need to creatively destruct as vital to the years ahead, only 6% are currently using the principle within their communications departments. This fundamental disconnect is something that will continue to rise to the surface, particularly as the creation of winning experiences becomes more and more critical to positive business performance (100% percent of respondents echoed this sentiment).


Here are four key trends that explain some of these fundamental changes and give us a sense of the direction business, consumerism and communications will be moving in in the year ahead....


[Thoughtful post worth reading. I liked the four trends: engaagement, artisan microbranding, creative Darwinism, appetite for destruction ~ Jeff]