Message to CEOs: You Can Measure Your Marketing Now | Salesforce Marketer's Blog | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

With all the marketing technology available it is much easier to track key marketing metrics, leverage marketing analytics, and measure the influence of marketing programs....

With the B2B customer journey being almost 70% digital, marketing program results can be measured more than ever before. But what’s curious to me is that most CEOs are not insisting on showing how a company’s investment is paying off. Manufacturing is measured, sales is measured, customer service is measured. But measuring marketing and its impact on revenue is not standard fare.

Most CMOs can tell you how many leads their organization generated last month or last year. But most can’t tell you what happened to those leads. They can tell you how many Website hits this month and whether the number of interested parties is growing or shrinking. But CMOs often don’t know how that activity is connected to revenue. Many CMOs can tell you how a nurture campaign is working to drive new leads but they can’t tell you if the quality and quantity is sufficient or whether sales has done an effective job in following up and developing sales from the leads. Mostly I think this is a lag in technology adoption. Here’s how I see it....