Google update has not killed press releases or PR Agencies its just killed crap content and spammy writing | 10 Yetis | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

10 Yetis Vents - Google update has not killed press releases or PR Agencies its just killed crap content and spammy writing.

Right now the interwebs are full of "Google has killed PR Agencies/press releases" stories. These all relate to big G's latest update that talks about its crack down on keyword optimised press releases and the need to use no-follow links in stories that PRs push out.

Whether it is emails from nervous clients wanting clarification on the situation, or people on Twitter sending me DMs asking if I have seen various stories (because we set our stall out around being very SEO savvy), it is really up in my grill right now.

Not many public relations professionals have put their head above the parapet and come out with their take on this, so I thought I would give it the first shot....