How can airlines and airports get the most from wearable technology? | Internet of Things & Wearable Technology Insights |

If you’re looking for the travel sector’s biggest new technology trend of 2014 so far, it is hard to dismiss wearable technology. Having previously been viewed as technologies of the future, airlines in particular have started to embrace smartglasses and smartwatches, elevating the technology right into the here and now.

Virgin Atlantic made the first move in February, announcing a trial of Google Glass and the Sony Smartwatch at the Upper Class Wing at London Heathrow Airport, using the products to greet passengers by name, provide real-time travel information and start the check-in process before the passenger even reached the front door of the terminal.

Since then we have seen VuelingIberia and airberlin launch smartwatch boarding passes, while Allegiant Systems has revealed its Vuzix-based smartglasses concept. London City Airport has also confirmed that it is exploring how it can leverage Google Glass from an airport operations perspective....