Food for thought: Let's talk  Tomatosphere™ with astronaut Thomas Pesquet | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |
2017-03-21 - In this video about the Tomatosphere™ educational project, European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Thomas Pesquet explains the importance of growing fresh fruits and vegetables in space to nourish future travelers embarking on long-duration missions to the Moon, Mars and beyond.

Tomatosphere™ is a blind study in which Canadian and American students in 20, 000 classrooms grow tomato plants stemming from seeds that either travelled to space or stayed on Earth—but the seeds’ history remain a mystery until the end.
Typically, the space-faring tomato seeds spend four weeks aboard the International Space Station.

Tomatosphere™ engages students in real scientific processes that teach and reinforce inquiry skills, while they explore concepts related to plants, space, careers, nutrition and agriculture.

Via John Evans