The Poisoning of Our Minds | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |
I watch the killing that’s taking place around the world and ask myself why?


How can someone be so intolerant that they can kill another person over their beliefs? How can someone be so angry that they’re willing to take the life of an innocent child to advance a cause? How can someone be so confused that they refuse to honor and value a life?


There’s no simple answer to the horrific crisis that we face, but I’m convinced that a contributing factor is the poisoning of our minds.

We are bombarded with hatred, intolerance, and violence every day. The entertainment industry incorporates hate, intolerance, and violence into movies, music, comedy routines, and video games in order to increase sales.


The news media hypes violence to boost television ratings. Politicians appeal to our dark side to win votes. These acts are desensitizing our personal values, polluting our minds, and corroding our culture.


While violent and hateful stimulation do not affect everyone, repetitive, negative stimulation may confuse an already deranged mind and cause that mind to snap — just as steel may break if bombarded continually at its weakest spot.

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Via Gust MEES