Are You an "Unconventional" Teacher? Here's How to Silence the Haters  | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |

Are you considered an unconventional teacher? Does your style sometimes bring on the haters? You do you, boo. Here's some advice.

The fact that I’m not your conventional teacher comes as no surprise to those who know me. But what is surprising is that being an unconventional teacher isn’t always encouraged. Early on in my career, I was told, quite harshly, to stick to the way it’s always been done. And I am quoting when I say I was told, “stay inside the box.”

Kids are growing up in a new world — a world with endless resources that can change the field of education and enhance student growth. Sometimes, in order to make change, we need to break out of the traditional mold. Being true to my bold and “different” personality is the reason my students connect to what they are learning and make long lasting, content-driven memories. Having the drive to stay true to yourself can work for you too!


Via Mark E. Deschaine, PhD, Miloš Bajčetić