Understanding Web Accessibility & Why It Is Important | #ModernEDU | Education 2.0 & 3.0 | Scoop.it

Web accessibility is the need of the hour. I realized something a few weeks back when I went to a nearby ATM for cash withdrawal. I noticed that the machine had specific buttons embossed with dots written in Braille that could be read by a visually challenged person. This feature has been made compulsory by the central bank so that all the visually impaired people can use the facility of ATM without any hassle. It is one example how our new world has finally accepted that people with disabilities should be able to do everything that those without disabilities can. And this is what web accessibility is all about.

Defining Web Accessibility

To put it simply, web accessibility is the designing of the Website so that people – particularly people with disabilities – can use it comfortably. To elaborate further, Web accessibility defines that people with disabilities can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the Web, and that they can contribute to the Web. It also benefits others, including older people with changing abilities due to aging.


Web Accessibility challenges all disabilities, impairments and barriers that affect the access and contribution to the web. This includes all visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, and all other neurological disabilities that make it difficult or impossible to use any website.


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