How To Conduct A School Technology Audit [FREE Resource Included] | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |

The experience of integrating technology in the maths classroom is different for every teacher, but one thing that has become clear over recent years is that it is here to stay. In this blog Edtech expert @jodieworld breaks down how you can use the SAMR approach to do a school technology audit that’ll take your technology in the maths classroom to the next level!

Educational technology (edtech) is ever-evolving. Every year there seems to be a new “in thing” that everyone talks about. It was interactive whiteboards for a while. They are still around, of course, but are no longer the new kid on the block! Then learning platforms (or VLEs) came to stay for awhile and everyone looked to making them work across the school – with a very wide range of success.

Via Elizabeth E Charles