This is the WORLD of 'Game of Thrones' as a subway map | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |

Getting around Westeros often lea

Getting around Westeros often leads to trouble, but what if there was a subway? Designer Michael Tyznik has imagined just such a scenario, and put together a fictional rail map of the fictional kingdom from the Game of Thrones series that will take you from the Shadow Tower to King's Landing with just one transfer station. If only it were so simple — but then George R.R. Martin's books would have been more like a food blog.

Tyznik says he was inspired to create the maps of Westeros and The Known World from Cameron Booth's Tumblr of transit maps, and has included all sorts of small touches like noting certain stations that are "not in service" to coincide with plot points from the books. Both are being sold as prints, and can be seen at higher resolution (albeit with giant watermarks) on Tyznik's Flickr.


s to trouble, but what if there was a subway? Designer Michael Tyznik has imagined just such a scenario, and put together a fictional rail map of the fictional...

Via René Z., association concert urbain, Rui Guimarães Lima